Sunday, April 24, 2011

Today's Flower - Bromeliad

Last Sunday night as I walked in from the yard at dusk I was surprised to see a pink flower head hidden amongst the greenery beside the path.  Closer investigation proved it to be an abandoned bromeliad I'd rescued when tenants moved out of our cottage, repaying my repotting efforts with the promise of a bloom.

As it was the first Brom I'd grown I watched the flowers development throughout the week.  First, little purple buds appeared within the many furry cones within the flower cup.

The next morning the first of these little buds had opened around the edge of the cup.

On Wednesday, as it continued to slowly unfurl a little frog moved in and became a tenant for the day. See him hidden amongst the petals on the bottom righthand side.

Now today it's journey is almost complete.  Just one last tiny purple bud is left to open.  At  it's base I can see the brown spent flowers that bloomed so cheerily earlier in the week...
...but above is this glorious display radiant in the late autumn-afternoon sunlight.

Visit Today's Flowers for more flowers from around the world.