Sunday, April 17, 2011

Today's Flowers - Dutchman's Pipe

This vine grows over our old dairy and is in flower now.  It is Dutchman's Pipe (Aristolochia elegans) - a declared class 3 weed in Queensland.  We are always trying to remove it but the good wet season we have had this summer has brought back the vine as strong as ever.

It is a declared weed because it mimics two of Australia's native plants that are food sources for butterflies.  The Dutchman's Pipe encourages butterflies to lay their eggs on its leaves but these same leaves are toxic to the butterfly larvae and kills them when they begin feeding.  Our rare Richmond Birdwing Butterfly, a beautiful butterfly with green and black wings, is severly threatened by this plant.

It is a vigorous grower, with spectacular flowers.  It's easy to see why it was once a popular garden flower but the threat it poses to our butterflies means we should no longer encourage its growth.  It earns it's name from the unusual shape of the flower - just like a dutchman's pipe.

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