I took a twelve hour journey from home to Perth, Western Australia, to enjoy my granddaughter's participation in the National Championships - Women's Gymnastics. As a Queenslander I was very proud of our Queensland teams who won all four levels contested - Levels 7 to 10.
Another highlight of the trip was my afternoon strolls along the dunes bordering the Indian Ocean. Just beautiful!
Being winter I had to seek out the flowers - yellow edging the walkway...
delicate mauve raising its head above the shrubs behind the protective fencing...
bees drawing my eye to the tiny yellow blossoms on succulents holding the shifting sands and glistening with salt crystals...
the sculptured heads of the dune grasses...
and this trees which at first glance tricked me. I thought it was laden in bloom but on closer inspection found the lovely fawny tones to be miniture seed cups.
Against the backdrop of the sun dropping into the Indian Ocean and lulled by the soft pounding of waves against the shore, all combined to make the afternoon stroll a pure delight.